Monday, November 15, 2010

Here goes.

Four Emotional States I Am Living By: 
(or at least try to every once in a while...)


  1. Happy. The basic. I will be happy with whatever I am now, with whatever I have, with whatever situation I am in. I mean there is always always always things to be thankful for, you know.
  2. Understanding. To understand that the people I know and not know have their own burdens to carry. I should be kind to understand that all people have a past to forget, a present and future to face.. everybody's struggling one way or another, so be kind.
  3. Patience. To have the patience to know the difference between NO and NOT NOW. there's always a right time for everything. I mean with hard work and honesty, i will get everything that i have waited for. don't you think?
  4. Forgiving. Among the four, this is the most personal I say. Growing up, I tend to hold grudges against people, believing it will bring justice for me and until now, i couldn't even recognize the difference. all i know is that even if we'd become friends again somehow, I can never treat you back like I used to. But i guess not anymore, Ha! I'll try to portray a forgiving heart.
Good Luck! :)