Wednesday, February 9, 2011

story of your life

Every girl is going to love a guy who will never love them back and as she sits there crying because he will never want her, she doesn’t realize that across tow there’s a boy thinking of her. A boy who would give anything to see her smile, make her laugh or kiss her in the rain. A boy who would never make her cry because he doesn’t want her. But she will forever be chasing the boy who will never love her, instead of giving her heart to the one who deserves it.




No person has the right to condemn you on how you repair your heart because no one knows how much you’re hurting.




He’s the guy that I so desperately try to push out of my head while at the same time cling to our memories with all my might. He’s the guy that I hate because I love him and I love him because I hate him. He’s the guy that no matter what he does to himself or to me, I’ll always love him. I knew him really well at one point, then he got lost, I tried finding him, but realized he’s got to find his own way back. Back to me? Maybe. I keep hoping that this will be my romantic love story, happy ending and all. But sadly I’m preparing myself, my heart, for yet another disappointment.